AGS 722 (Spatial Information Systems for Resource Management)

Assignment No. 9



  1. Read the description of the dataset in Chapter 2 (Quick Start Tutorial) of the “Using Spatial Analyst” and complete the following exercises.
    1. Exercise 1 on “Displaying and Exploring Your Data”
    2. Exercise 2 on “Finding a site for New School


  1. Use Spatial Analyst  Extension and the grids of Chiang Mai Elevation, Landuse and SoilGroup for the following:


    1. Explore the elevation grid and create a histogram and contour map with the interval of 20 meter for the study area. What are the minimum, maximum and the mean elevation of the terrain.
    2. Create slope and aspect maps of the study area and generate the map of land use types that occupy the land which have the slope of less than 7.5%.
    3. Create a map showing land use on the terrain using the shaded relief map.
    4. Create buffer zones of 200 meter from both sides of the streams in this area. What are the soil groups that frequently occur in these buffer zones.


Describe the procedures that you used to accomplish each task and submit the

output maps.



Due: January 20, 2005.