AGS 722 (Spatial Information Systems for Resource Management)

Assignment No. 10



  1. Read Chapter 3 of the “Using Spatial Analyst” that explains the key steps in spatial modeling before you complete the exercise on “Finding an alternative access road to the new school site”.
    1. What is the difference between distance and cost distance grids?
    2. How do you create the cost distance grid?


  1. Use Spatial Analyst  Extension to create the annual rainfall surface from monthly rainfall data recorded at the weather stations in rainfall map layer by the following methods.
    1. Thiessen polygons
    2. Inverse distance weighting
    3. Ordinary Kriging


  1. Read the section on zonal statistics in “Using Spatial Analyst”.  Use Chiang Mai data set  to generate the following zonal statistics:
    1. Maximum, minimum, average and standard deviation of the elevation of each zone of soil group.
    2. Majority, minority and variety of vegetation type in each soil group zone.


Describe the procedures that you used to accomplish each task and submit the

output maps. Discuss your results.



Due: January 27, 2005.